A lot of my patients ask me how many and which supplements I use regularly.
Not many to be honest. Magnesium and a probiotic before bed. Fish Oil sometimes. And I recently made the decision to amp up my adrenal support.
But to be honest, a lot of my patients take far more than that… at least for a brief period of time.
Why don’t I take all the things I recommend?
Two reasons…
ONE: I feel great and don’t need more. My patients seek help because they don’t feel great, and supplements are an excellent way to quickly fortify their system so they can reach their health goals. As they feel better, the needed number of supplements drops.
TWO: It’s also important to admit that some of my patients will always need more supplements than I take, and that’s because they have no interest in doing some of the things I do daily… like go to bed by 9pm, make exercise a priority, eat organ meats and focus my diet almost exclusively on foods that can be grown within 200 miles of my home, invest in whole house air and water filtration. In all aspects of health, there is choice and balance. If you choose to organize your life around health, you will need fewer supplements to create balance. If you are unwilling or unable to organize your life around health, supplements will support you in creating the balance.
It doesn’t surprise me that many of my patients prefer to take a B Complex and Heme Iron rather than eat liver, heart, and kidneys. But I think it’s important to recognize that supplements are as much about choice as they are about need.
want to decrease your supplement usage? try these tips
- Go to be early and at a consistent time.
- Get enough sleep to wake without an alarm.
- Do your best to eat food grown within 100 or so miles of where you live.
- Eat in ways that are consistent with the season.
- Limit the use of synthetic chemicals in your home.
- Exercise regularly (by exercise, I mean physically challenging your body in specific ways)
- Move often (stay active throughout the day in ways that don’t necessary count as exercise)
- Manage your stress by not taking life personally, dedicating time for deep breathing, and finding ways to nourish the mental/emotional parts of you.
When you align your life with health, you’ll need fewer and fewer supplments to look and feel your best.