Need some extra support? I got you!
Introducing office hours with Dr. Dalili
Starting Feb 9, Dr. Dalili will be hosting office hours for current and recent patients. Office hours are a great way to get support between your individual visits with Dr. Dalili.
Bring your questions.
Learn from the answers to others’ questions.
This is the ideal place to get more support for dietary strategies, simplifying your wellness routine, follow through & navigating all the ways life gets in the way, and more.
** This is NOT the place to go into specific details about your lab results or supplement recommendations. Save those questions for your individual visit.
WHERE – Zoom! (You’ll get the link when you register)
WHEN – 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at 12 MT
*I am open to rescheduling this if timing is a barrier for wide participation.

As a new patient, you get FREE access to office hours for 6 months. If you choose to continue with office hours at the end of 6 monts, you’ll have to option to continue. Check your email for details.